Great! Glad you chose my audio!
I'm very glad you guys used my song for it!
(Actually, that song is -DEMOLITION-, one of my oldest but best songs, a live performance. Ok, now I sound egotistic O.o)
Perhaps I could make inspiration audio every now and then for this specifically, like perhaps you could use my Strawberry Clock's Confession's audio (It's on the AP) and see what chaos people will make :)
I liked the movies too, especially Shinkuro's. His seemed like a mixture of Halo and the level in Medal of Honor:Rising Sun where you rescue the pilot.
Perhaps as another special edition, you supply people with a set of gfx/sprites to use and have them create a game with them (or movies, but it'd be sweet if you did the game idea! Of course it'd be like a 1 week challenge)
Btw, how can I get into the time trials? I wish to give them a shot, havn't made any animations in a while and need some motivation :)